Sunday, October 31, 2010

Re-elect Tribal Chairman Nosie

Tribal Chairman Nosie is the most respected man I know. From the first time I met him, I knew he was a man that could be trusted. I encourage all Apache People to go out and vote on Tuesday but most importantly re-elect Tribal Chairman Nosie. He stood up for the Apache People and now it is time to stand up for him.

Chairman Nosie, his wife Theresa, and their family follow the traditional Apache way. He is a man of trust and honesty. He will lead the Apache People into the future and they will prosper. His heart is for all the people so I ask each and everyone of you to go vote and stand up for Chairman Nosie and re-elect him for his heart is traveling the right path for all the Apache People.

Walk in harmony,


Saturday, October 2, 2010

New surroundings

I am in AZ now. I am so happy. I am currently working for the Arizona Silver Belt/Apache Moccasin. I plan on writing a mystery novel on the Apache People. I have meet with Tribal Chairman Wendsler Nosie of the San Carlos Apache Tribe. I wrote an article for the Apache Moccasin about the Mt. Graham Sacred Run, a sacred run that the Apache people do every year. Amazing!!! IF you would like to read it go to click on Apache Moccasin.

Now, my son is working at the Apache Gold Casino as a security guard. My daughter loves the homeschool here. It is K12 and it is a remarkable tool.

My wonderful husband, is still taking great care of me and he always puts me first. I love him and my kids with all my heart.

Walk in harmony,