"A Book of Spiritual Wisdom For All Days"
Author: MariJo Moore
ISBN: 978-0-9767581-6-7
Author Website: http://www. marijomoore.com
There is so much wisdom and strength in this book it will help give the reader a new sense of connection with all things.
Reviewed by: Melinda Elmore (http://www.melindaelmore. webs.com and
MariJo Moore
From the very first passage, I was glued to this book. It gave me a sense of hope and determination. MariJo covers all aspects of the spiritual side of all human beings. Here is some examples:
Creativity is a gift from Spirit to all humans
Death is never without a purpose
The color of one’s skin cannot determine how fragile is a heart
The book’s divided into the twelve months of the year with a page full of spiritual sayings and blessings for each week. It allows a person to read the same page for the entire week so understanding the message becomes clear. Once I was finished with the book, I felt a sense of direction. A feeling of oneness with the Creator and all living things.
“A Book of Spiritual Wisdom For All Days” is just as the title suggest: A spiritual book filled with wisdom to cover all days of the year.
“A Book of Spiritual Wisdom For All Days” is a 5-Star read. Put this on your must read list.
Through the eyes of MariJo, you are taken to another realm of existence where life can be seen through different avenues no matter what walk of life.
I was not compensated for doing this review. The book was given to me to keep to do the review
Thanks so much for the wonderful review!
MariJo Moore
Thank you for providing me the chance to do the review. The book will remain with me forever. It is so treasured and when I feel down or upset or whatever, I will turn to your book and read it
Walk in harmony,
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