Okay Beth, let's get started.....
so much for having me on your blog, Melinda, to share my new historical romance
release. The novel was many years in the writing and I’m excited it’s finally
come to life.
Rugged Alleghenies, A White Warrior, Beautiful Scots-Irish Healer, Unrequited
Love—Requited, Charges of Witchcraft, Vindictive Ghost, Lost Treasure,
Murderous Thieves, Deadly Pursuit, Hangman’s Noose Waiting…Kira, Daughter of the Moon’
and adventure unfold against a tumultuous backdrop in my new historical romance
novel, Kira, Daughter of the Moon. Set among the superstitious Scots in the rugged
Alleghenies, the story is a blend of
Celtic and Native American flavors. The colonial frontier provides plenty of
conflict and drama in itself, but there’s so much more, also an ample measure
of humor, essential to some degree in all of my stories. Kira and Logan are a
riot together. I enjoyed Logan’s wit when he first appears as a teenage Shawnee
captive in my award-winning historical romance novel Through
the Fire, and
determined to bring him back later in his own story. And Kira is a unique,
appealing young woman. A fun heroine to write. Although written to stand alone,
Kira, Daughter of the Moon is the
sequel to Through the Fire. Certainly,
you can read ‘Kira’ without first reading ‘Fire,’ but it would enhance your
enjoyment to read the other first. Or after, and then you can say, “Oh, now I
see.” I had this sequel in mind much of the time I was at work on Through the Fire—inspired by dreams.
Much of my work gets its start that way.
Logan McCutcheon returns to colonial Virginia after seven
years in the hands of Shawnee Indians. But was he really a captive, as
everybody thinks? He looks and fights like a warrior, and seems eager to return
to those he calls friends and family.
Kira McClure has waited for Logan all those years, passing
herself off as odd to keep suitors at bay––and anyone else from getting too
close. Now that he's back, he seems to be the only person capable of
protecting her from the advances of Josiah Campbell and accusations of
witchcraft. And to defend the settlers against a well-organized band of
murderous thieves.
“My secret in exchange for yours.”
Tantalizing. He was drawing her into his snare, but she
couldn’t resist asking, “How do you know I’ve a secret?”
“To begin with, you’re hiding in a
tree. What from, a wild beast?”
“Near enough. You.”
He smiled.
“Was I to think you a large red bird, or overlook you entirely?”
Drawing her remaining shreds of dignity
around her like a mantle, she said, “This isn’t one of my best hiding places.”
Where are the others?”
“That would be telling.”
The strengthening breeze tossed the
branches around them as he considered.
“You never could keep secrets from me, Cricket. I’ll discover them and you.”
An assertion she found both disturbing and
oddly heartening.
His lips curved as if the deed were
already done. “Why were you hiding? Am I so very frightening?”
“Oh––I feared you were some sort of
The humor faded from his eyes. “I am.”

Kindle edition:
For more on me my blog, is the happening place:
Thank you Beth for sharing. Your writings take me to a place where I do not want to return. Please come back and visit my blog more often. It sure is a treat.....
Thanks so much for having me here on your lovely blog. :)
You are so welcome. I am thrilled you are here. Love your writing.
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